These products are part of the BCA Electrical converters' wiring harness system which vastly simplifies the process of installing or replacing an electrical system in a caravan or motorhome.
All the major components of the electrical system are pre-wired with plug and play connectors making it far simpler to build and install the electrical system in a van conversion project.
For the Mains Harness System purchase
This provides 12V power supply and control of your 12V system.
For each 12 Volt appliance you want to power purchase the appropriate accessory extensions.
Awning Light Extension loom to connect the awning light to the Switch Control Panel on the BCA Electrical converters wiring harness system.
13 amp, 3 pin surface mounted mains socket with back box and prewired with quick fit connector for easy installation with BCA Converter's Wiring System and BCA Converter's PDU Harness Kit.
C-Line 13 amp, 3 pin mains socket complete with recessed back box and prewired with quick fit connector for easy installation with BCA Converter's Wiring System and BCA Converter's PDU Harness Kit.
1m mains extension lead with pre-fitted quick connectors to easily fit to mains accessories in BCA Converter's Wiring System and BCA Converter's PDU kit.
Adapter for use with C-line prewired mains sockets and prewired extension leads. Allows you to connect one socket to the extension lead while providing a branch to connect another extension lead going to the next socket in a radial circuit.
Prewired, surface mounting mains electric inlet point for caravans and campervans. Prewired with quick connector for fitting to BCA Converter's Wiring System and BCA PDU Converter's Harness Kit.
Pre-wired switch panel for use with BCA Electrical campervan converters harness system. Provides switch control of 12 Volt functions and battery status check and includes C-Line switch plates.
Complete relay housing and fuse board to control power distribution in the 12 Volt system in a caravan, campervan or motorhome. This pre-wired unit is compatible with other components of BCA Electrical campervan converters harness system for simple plug and play installation of 12 volt system in a van conversion project.
Powerpart Easy Connect "Coffin Box" cable joining box for safe housing of electrical cable connectors in caravans and campervan conversions.
Heater Extension loom to connect the heater ignition to the Relay Housing on the BCA Electrical converters wiring harness system.
Light Extension loom to connect the interior lights to the Relay Housing on the BCA Electrical converters wiring harness system.
Square, prewired, recess mounting mains electric inlet box with external flap for caravan and campervan. Prewired with quick connector for fitting to BCA Converter's Wiring System and BCA PDU Converter's Harness Kit.
Square, prewired, recess mounting mains electric inlet box with external flap for caravan and campervan. Prewired with quick connector for fitting to BCA Converter's Wiring System and BCA PDU Converter's Harness Kit.
Oven Extension loom to connect the oven or hob ignition to the Relay Housing on the BCA Electrical converters wiring harness system.
Caravan power unit transformer converts 230V AC input to DC output to run your caravan 12V system.
Powerpart PO123 provides up to 20A / 276W output and includes battery recharge function.
Powerpart Standard Mains Consumer Unit which is prewired for easy connection to other accessories which form part of the BCA Convert's Wiring System. Fitted with quick connectors to fit to prewired mains inlet and BCA prewired mains sockets.