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Kampa Dometic Power Shower

Kampa Dometic Power Shower
Phone Shower
SKU: 5060540047519
R.R.P.: £32.49
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£28.40 Inc. VAT
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The Kampa Dometic Power Shower is a rechargeable portable shower which has a battery life of 60 minutes. The Power Shower has a submersible pump attached which gives you the option to shower on site without the need of using the campsite facilities and is perfect for other activities like going to festivals, wild camping or a day at the beach to wash off all the sand.

To use the shower you would simply hang the shower up in a privacy tent or from your tailgate of your campervan and submerge the pump into a water container filled with water (preferably hot). The shower can be used for showering or to clean off your equipment like bikes or footwear or even cleaning your dog if they have enjoyed a muddy walk.

The Power Shower can also be hung using the hook or suction cup which is supplied. To charge the Power Shower you simply have to plug the charger into a USB port.


  • A rechargeable battery which last for 60 minutes.
  • Pump capacity of 2.5 l/pm (Litres / per minute).
  • 60cm USB charging cable.
  • Hose length of 180cm.

Item(s) included as standard

  • Shower head with hose and submersible pump.
  • Hook to allow shower to hang from.
  • Suction cup to hang the shower from.
Type Shower
Tap Style Single Tap
Microswitch Compatible? No
Pressure Switch Compatible? No
Counter hole diameter (mm) 0
No. of counter holes 0
Counter hole centre distance
Max Counter Thickness (mm)?
Tap Height (mm)?
Folding? No
Folded height (mm)?
Colour Black
Connects to?
Left / Right Hand?
Weight 1.00 kgs
Global Trade Item Number 5060540047519
Manufacturers Part Number 9120000830