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Panasonic Bronze D Cell Alkaline Battery x 2

Panasonic Bronze D Cell Alkaline Battery x 2
Panasonic D Cell Alkaline Battery
SKU: 5410853039211
£2.99 Inc. VAT
Usually Dispatched in1 working day

A pack of 2, D-sized alkaline powder barttery from Panasonic which will provide you with a nominal power supply of 1.5volts and are specifically suited for electrical appliances/ devices which require a medium to high supply of power on demand.

A few devices that the batteries are commonly used for are handheld torches, some electrical motors, portable radios and some remote control toys.

Because of the alkaline chemistry within the battery it means that the batteries life span is longer than other types of batteries an if you store theses batteries correctly then they can last for years at a time. However they are only intended for a single use and they can't be recharged.

These Panasonic batteries are free form lead and mercury, this is beneficial for the environment and also increases your own safety.


  • Battery size: D
  • Battery Chemistry: Alkaline Powder
  • Rated Voltage: 1.5v
  • Diameter: 34.2mm
  • Length: 61.5mm
  • NOT Rechargeable